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发布时间:2024-12-19 02:40:01点击量:960
本文摘要:Inventors have created an electronic bike which is not only as light as as two newborn babies but folds up and fits in a backpack.发明者发明者的这款电子自行车不仅只有两个新生婴儿那么轻,而且可拆卸并放到背包里。

Inventors have created an electronic bike which is not only as light as as two newborn babies but folds up and fits in a backpack.发明者发明者的这款电子自行车不仅只有两个新生婴儿那么轻,而且可拆卸并放到背包里。The Smacircle can reach speeds of 12.5mph (20km/h) and is controlled with a smartphone app.这款叫作Smacircle的自行车时速平均20公里,能用手机APP展开掌控。

The eBike folds up into a backpack in less than ten seconds, by which time its no taller than 19 inches (49cm).在十秒内就可以拉链成背包,拉链后高度不多达49厘米。The bike weighs a little over 15lbs (7kg) and can accommodate riders of various sizes.车重7公斤多一点,可适应环境有所不同体重的乘客。

The first models have been made and tested, and its makers are seeking further investment with an upcoming Indiegogo campaign to bring it to the mainstream market.首批模型早已被生产和测试,其制造者将在众筹平台Indiegogo上谋求投资以将这款车推上主流市场。Chinese designers believe it might change the way people commute to work.中国设计者坚信这款车将转变人们的通勤方式。

CEO Gavin Yang, from Shenzhen in China, said: Smacircle is a unique innovative design created to fill in the gap in short commute personal transportation.来自中国深圳的CEO Gavin Yang说道:“Smacircle以独有的创意设计来空缺个人短途通勤领域的空白。”Our team has spent countless hours on research and development, and are committed to bring the people the best possible solution for short commutes, he said.“我们团队在研发上花上了无数个小时,决意要给短途通勤带来最差的解决方案。”As it has not yet hit the market, there is no price available.由于还没有推向市场,所以价格未知。

We have spent almost two years developing this Smacircle eBike and now we have made the concept a reality, said Mr Yang.“我们花上了将近两年时间来研发这款车,再一构建了这个概念,”王先生说道。



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