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发布时间:2025-01-08 02:40:01点击量:600
本文摘要:Chinas state press agency has unveiled a virtual newsreader designed to deliver headlines 24 hours a day.中国国家新闻机构发售了虚拟世界的新闻主播员,一天24小时都能播放新闻。

Chinas state press agency has unveiled a virtual newsreader designed to deliver headlines 24 hours a day.中国国家新闻机构发售了虚拟世界的新闻主播员,一天24小时都能播放新闻。Xinhuas “artificial intelligence news anchor” is a lifelike digitised reporter which can read out text by mimicking the image and voice of a real human presenter.新华社的这款“AI制备主播”是真人制备的记者,通过仿效真人主持人的形象和声音来念新闻。The agency claims the virtual presenter – a realistic-looking man, sharply dressed in a suit – “can read texts as naturally as a professional news anchor”.新华社称之为这款虚拟世界主播,形象细致,穿著庄重的西装“,需要和专业的新闻主播一样,十分大自然的主播新闻”。However, the AI newsreaders debut report on Thursday revealed a robotic voice and awkward delivery.不过,在周四的AI主播首秀上,主播的声音还是很机械,听得一起并不大自然。

“Hello, you are watching English news programme. Im AI anchor in Beijing,” the presenter said at the beginning of its first English-language broadcast.“大家好,您正在收听的是英语新闻频道。我是AI主播,在北京为你主播。”在英语节目主播开始时主持人这样说。

In an introductory video, it said: “I will work tirelessly to keep you informed as texts will be typed into my system uninterrupted.”在讲解视频中,他说道;“新闻将不会持续大大的转入我的系统,我也不会不知疲倦地向大家主播新闻。”The technology synthesises the human presenters speech, lip movements and facial expressions. It was developed jointly by Xinhua and Chinese search engine Sogou.这项技术制备了真人主播的主播,唇部动作,面部表情。它是由新华社和搜狗引擎共同开发已完成。



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